the red indicator light does not glow and the water conditioner
has not been physically broken through misuse, it should be returned
to the supplier or direct to the Company with proof of purchase.
During the first 3 years it will be repaired or replaced free of
charge. Any unauthorised attempt to repair the unit will invalidate
this guarantee. The Company will not accept responsibility for water
leaks that are revealed by the dissolving of scale.
warranty period for the Products will be a minimum of twelve months
from date of purchase with respect to fitness for purpose/ performance.
The Company will refund to the merchant the cost of goods supplied
who in turn will refund the contractor for the cost of goods supplied
if the end user proves that more than six months after installation
but not later than 12 months after installation the device failed
to produce the benefits claimed both generally and in relation to
the agreed Customer specification of requirements.
no circumstances will the Company entertain third party claims arising
out of failure of the equipment nor will the Company accept any
liability for consequential damage caused by the effectiveness and
efficiency of the Hydroflow unit where the Customer has been advised
of the likelihood of this beforehand e.g. where there is the possibility
of loose scale particles being allowed to enter the system or process
of the hardness in water comes from calcium and magnesium salts
which are dissolved into the water from the rocks through which
the rain flows. Hydroflow will effectively and efficiently treat
this water.
Company accepts that certain types of encrusting scale once formed
will not quickly be dissolved by the Hydroflow unit where there
are high concentrations of silicates, sulphates and phosphates.
In such cases it is recommended that systems known to contain such
encrusting scale be chemically cleaned. Once cleaned the system
should stay clear thereafter.